Xplico Evaluator – an easy approach to project and company valuation

Xplico Evaluator converts Microsoft Excel into an easy-to-use, flexible valuation tool with integrated risk assessment and powerful analysis features for the life science industry. Xplico is today the market leader in valuation supporting more than 50 pharma and biotech companies in EU, US and Asia on a daily basis.

The tool gives you the following benefits:

  • Valid support that strengthens your decision-making
  • A structured process that raises the relevant questions
  • Analytical power to match big pharma’s valuation teams
  • Optimization of your deal terms
  • High productivity and accuracy
  • Flexibility to cover the variation in your projects
  • Risk assessment
  • No dependency on key personnel

Supports your decision-making

Decisions about your project portfolio have a big impact on the future of your company. You need to choose the most valuable projects to invest in and set out the optimal deal terms when partnering. Xplico Evaluator gives you the necessary underlying analysis and documentation to support your strategic decisions.

Structured process

Xplico Evaluator ensures that all relevant valuation questions are asked and answered. You will easily identify the areas where improvements are needed and where assumptions need further justification. Xplico Evaluator allows you to start simply with the data and assumptions that you have available and then add detail and complexity as the process develops. Xplico Evaluator also makes your projects comparable, enabling you to focus on the most valuable projects in your portfolio and increase the shareholder value.


As a result of Xplico’s experience in building intuitive, user-friendly tools, it has been proved that Xplico Evaluator can be used by new users with limited training. The well-structured data flow and the many options make it easy to enter the relevant information and assumptions. The powerful analysis features and very useful and always updated outputs enable you to build presentations in no time.

Flexible and customizable

Xplico Evaluator has the flexibility to cover the variation in your projects. In the settings section you define timeframe, indication(s), markets, etc. For each market you can start with the population, the patients, the units, the revenue or something else. And you can use specific assumptions for each market such as launch dates, uptake curves (product life cycles) and market events. All major assumptions can be changed over the given time period. Specific requirements can easily be incorporated into the model.

Accuracy and transparency

Constructing your own valuation model is a time-consuming and challenging process that requires a lot of life science knowledge and technical skills. Xplico Evaluator eliminates the model-building task and allows you to focus on the key assumptions in the valuation. You avoid the risk of errors due to last-minute changes to the model and/or lack of time for error checking. Xplico Evaluator gives you full transparency and enables you to follow calculations from A to Z (no black box).

Risk assessment

Xplico Evaluator takes into account both the development and the market risk. You are able to model the development risk by defining probability trees. Market risks are taken into account by running sensitivity and scenario analysis.

No dependency on key personnel

With Xplico Evaluator you have a fully backed-up and supported tool. You avoid the risk of being dependent on the one person in the organization who has developed the model and who is probably the only person able to change and update it. And you would probably lack documentation on how to use the model and how it is working.


Xplico Evaluator ensures you high-quality valuations, allows you to spend more time on assumptions and analysis, and stops you wasting time on building models, checking for errors and improving poorly prepared valuations.

Please contact Xplico to learn more about our easy approach to project valuation, and how we can support you in strengthening your decision-making and increasing your shareholder value.