Consulting Services
Xplico is your partner in valuation. We have extensive experience in valuation, forecasting and project/portfolio management and our team of internal and external consultants can evaluate your projects and/or company or support you during partnering negotiations. A valuation report will provide you with a PowerPoint presentation (about 75-100 pages) and will be delivered within a month from the signing of the contract. It includes a number of directly usable outputs for your presentations/negotiations including: - Future income, net cash flow and rNPV/NPV for you and your (potential) partners based on justified assumptions with references to primary/secondary market research (Datamonitor, GlobalData etc.) and industry benchmarks.
- Potential term sheet/exit value compared to similar deals and companies.
- Sensitivity and scenario analysis on key assumptions.
- Value inflection points showing timing and value.
We are also able to build customized tools for you e.g. forecasting. Please contact us for a quote/offer.